Aries : horoscopes for today, tomorrow & monthly predictions

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Today & Tomorrow Horoscope: '.$imghoroscope.'

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(March 21 - April 19)

July 2024

Mars is retrograde in your solar eleventh house, prompting you to take a look at your long term plans and goals. This month you may try to arouse groups of people to a worthy project. However, when Mars travels backwards, there can be delays or interruptions with what you are trying to achieve. There may be frustration in dealings with people who will not work in tandem with you. Ask others for help if you feel that you are falling behind. Be aware that everyone needs the cooperation of others sometimes. Intensify your contacts that have been important to you in the past.With the Sun and some planets in your solar fourth house, your attention will also be focused on the home and family life. You may look forward to spending time at home, doing quiet activities, working on a creative project, or reflecting on your goals for the future. This month your home base is surrounded with a lot of harmony. Career news may come up suddenly, too. You may decide to relocate for the sake of a job opportunity, or finish off those home renovation projects that have been left unfinished for some time now. There may be a change in the family constellation this month. Someone may arrive or depart. Try to be back home by the full moon, July 27, when a family or residential situation will need your full attention. Attending to home and family matters will be high on your agenda during the first three weeks. After that Sun moves on to next sign, and your solar fifth house of pleasurable pursuits, creative interests, romance and children. If you are looking for love in the end of this month you will attract others easy. If you do not fall in love at least you may expect a lot of fun.

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